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What is Vital Movement?

Vital Movement is a practice for the deeper enhancement of wellness that integrates the study of classic movement disciplines, the principles of contemporary bio-mechanics and neuroscience, and the therapeutic power of the arts.

Vital Movement can be experienced in private sessions, group journeys, and workshops.


How will you benefit from Vital Movement?

You will learn how to live more comfortably in your body.
Your posture and alignment will improve.
Your range of motion, balance, and coordination
will improve.
You will move with greater fluidity and ease.
Your physical body will be stronger and more toned.
You will be given tools to deal with life’s
stresses and traumas.
You will feel more integrated physically, mentally,
and emotionally.
You will feel greater vitality.


My Vision…

My professional vision brings us back to the organic patterns we used when we lived in intimate connection with the earth. These kinesthetic motifs were filled with beauty and were innate to a life that once placed an ear close to the ground and lifted eyes toward heaven to read the signs and signals of nature. The body longs to return to this kind of pure, essential, joyous movement. These understandings lie at the root of the movement sessions, classes, rituals, and workshops that I design. The student is my collaborator and together we listen, learn, and teach.”

-Judith Rose

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Who is Judith Rose?

Judith Rose, the founder of Vital Movement™, is an experienced educator, choreographer, poet, and movement artist. She has extensive training in a variety of movement arts and therapeutic modalities from around the globe. Insights drawn from her rich background in Jungian Studies, Literature, and World Mysticism, are seamlessly integrated into her offerings.
Judith is a certified practitioner of Otiyot Hayyot, a Kabbalistic mindfulness practice developed by Dr. Yehudit Goldfarb. She studied and trained with David Leventhal, the director of the Mark Morris Dance for Parkinson’s Disease program, which has inspired her to create a unique eldercare program of movement.
Judith is known for her original workshops and movement journeys which have traveled to studios in many universities and dance centers. She often serves as presenter for the international Sacred Dance Guild. Recently, she collaborated with several local artists to create numerous inter-disciplinary works of distinction.
Judith’s work is a passionate devotion that is deeply grounded in the belief that the arts provide a medium for personal and communal healing and transformation.